Thursday, September 8, 2011


My first assignment in Kathmandu was to assess the information structure of the Industrial Services Centre at Balaju, for a UNDP-funded project of UNIDO. One of my recommendations was to send my counterpart, Prabha Thacker, to a library school for an MSLS - she did go, to Pratt Institute. Another recommendation was to send a Librarian to set up the ISC Library together with Prabha. The one chosen was Josie Dimatulac, Librarian of the Board of Investment of the Philippines. She boarded with Prabha at her home in Battisputali, between Pashupatinath and Dwarika Hotel.

Photo shows Josie and I, and two Filipinos I guess from Philrock, playing card games on a Saturday afternoon. (We worked on Sundays in the Hindu Kingdom).

As Ching would say, "Hoy, mga donya Kathmanduettes!!" - do send in your stories, brief or long, with or without photos to SHARE! Thanks. E.